Tuesday, October 18, 2011

"To Facebook Or Not To Facebook"

I have lots of very mixed feelings about Facebook. I do have a Facebook myself, but ponder the importance and safety of it everyday. Facebook can be a very helpful resource to relocate old friends from the past. It allows people to stay connected with distant relatives and friends and check up on what's new in there lives. While in some social aspects Facebook can be a good resource, it can also be bad in others. Facebook is the main source of cyber bullying where vulnerable teenagers are taunted and sometimes even pushed to suicide. It is also a way for teenagers to practically stalk each other. The person with the most posts is the coolest. Most teenagers keep watchful tabs on each other, recounting which were the coolest parties and who got the most drunk at the football game. While this may raise your social status now, it is creating a negative internet profile for your future. Every negative post or picture made by you or about you can be viewed by important people in your future like colleges or employers. 

This all sounds very negative, but I do see the positives in Facebook. It's a nice way to stay connected with friends and family. I know that after I go off to college Facebook will probably be one of the main ways I will keep in contact with people back at home. Moving on from the social aspect of Facebook, I never realized the business side of it. After reading the article, I learned that Facebook keeps it's own tab on you and creates an advertising profile for you that you aren't even aware of. Facebook filters which friends show up on your feed and which advertisements show up in your side margins. This is very unsettling. People need to realize that Facebook can control you if your not careful. While there are many negatives to Facebook, I believe it can be a positive if you know how to use it correctly. 

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